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Children 5-11 could soon be eligible for vaccine
Nearly 265,000 kids age 5-11 could soon be eligible for vaccines in Kansas
Children ages 5-11 could soon receive Covid vaccine
Children Could Soon Be Eligible For A COVID Vaccine
Kids ages 5 to 11 could get a COVID vaccine as early as next week
Kids 5-11 to be approved for COVID vaccine soon: Virologist weighs in
Could kids 5-11 get COVID-19 vaccine by early November?
Vaccine Team | Pfizer vaccine could soon be approved for 5-11 year olds
Kids 5-11 eligible for COVID-19 vaccine, but supply limited on first day
County children age 5-11 now eligible for COVID-19 vaccine
White House releases plan to vaccinate kids 5-11
Pfizer may present COVID-19 vaccine data for children ages 5-11 to FDA later this month